Training Dogs Orderly Release Water

The first problem often experienced by par apemiliki dog is the problem of urination and defecation. Because many dogs who indiscriminately urinate inside the house. Indeed there are puppies who can already urinate and defecate in place. However, if your beloved dog including a litter, you should train it early on. In order for your dog to have a habit of defecating in the proper place. Rumah Peliharaan 

The earlier you train the urine schedule and defecate the dog, the sooner they master this discipline. Pups aged between 7-8 weeks are generally able to control their bowel schedule after being trained for only a few days.
Dogs need to defecate on waking, after eating or drinking, while cheerful jumping / running around and after a lot of play / joke.
During the first 7-10 weeks, bracket your dog, but do not leave it for more than an hour after eating, urinate / large. Instead of locks, locks of lockable dogs such as kitchens, warehouses, etc. If indeed you have to leave it for a long time, put a few sheets of old newspapers so that he can defecate if he is forced to urinate.
During the first 7-10 weeks, bracket your dog, but do not leave it for more than an hour after eating, urinate / large. Instead of locks, locks of lockable dogs such as kitchens, warehouses, etc. If indeed you have to leave it for a long time, put a few sheets of old newspapers so that he can defecate if he is forced to urinate.
The best exercise schedule is the morning when you wake up, every 2 -3 hours all day, after a nap or after a game and half an hour after eating and drinking. Before starting the activity in the morning, you should take the dog out of the house.
Take the dog out after he has eaten. Wait for 30 minutes. Waiting time for dogs to defecate can be reduced as the dog ages.
Determine the right spot on the page for your dog's shit. Do not change the place because the smell of urine / shit dog will help them remember their routine activities dititik it.
Stand quietly beside her without any movement. Be patient if the dog does not seem to intend to do anything for long. Male puppies usually take longer to urinate than females. Do not sit or squat because it will encourage him to jump on your lap to play around. When you are silent, your dog will feel bored and naturally they will remember your purpose to take him there.
If the dog finally throws away the dirt, react by tapping his head as a compliment, then invite him to go elsewhere or invite him to play as a gift. Do not punish him with a whip or punch if he fails to relieve himself. Like little children, they are also birds of time to learn.
If inside the dog house looks spinning while doing a movement like digging the ground, immediately take it out of the house. Because it indicates the dog will defecate.
Dogs should not be left alone alone in a confined space until they are about 1 year old. Dogs can be left in the yard, but do not forget to give toys. Remember, do not leave it too long alone.
Give the dog a meal about 1-2 hours before he sleeps.
If the dog is defecating in the house, clean it immediately with floor cleaning tools that can remove the smell of dog poop.


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